2024/2025 Elementary School Bus Routes AM
2024/2025 Pre K and Special Programs Bus Routes AM
PLEASE NOTE: Times are approximate. Students are expected to be at the actual bus stop so drivers can see them 5 minutes before the posted time. Please allow flexibility during the first 2 weeks of school as we work out any issues.
2024/2025 Middle/High School Bus Routes AM
PLEASE NOTE: Times are approximate. Students are expected to be at the actual bus stop so drivers can see them 5 minutes before the posted time. Please allow flexibility during the first 2 weeks of school as we work out any issues.
Bus 3 Erin Hayden
Bus 6 Corey Jena
Bus 4 Sandra Burrell
Bus 8 Makalia Schlie
Bus 9 Kathy Robins
2024/2025 Elementary School Bus Routes PM
**PLEASE NOTE:**Times are approximate. Students are expected to be at the actual bus stop so drivers can see them 5 minutes before the posted time. Please allow flexibility during the first 2 weeks of school as we work out any issues.
**PLEASE NOTE:**Times are approximate. Students are expected to be at the actual bus stop so drivers can see them 5 minutes before the posted time. Please allow flexibility during the first 2 weeks of school as we work out any issues.
West Point Public Schools is committed to reducing air and noise pollution through the anti-idling of division vehicles. While we realize idling cannot always be avoided, there may be exemptions in the event of traffic conditions, vehicles being repaired or serviced, or extremely hot or cold weather situations. This commitment recognizes the importance of educating others on how idling wastes fuel, damages engines, and results in excess greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions.
West Point Public Schools is committed to actively considering alternative fuel vehicles and higher fuel economy vehicles when making purchasing decisions to add to our school fleet. This commitment recognizes the importance of reducing emissions and improving air quality within West Point.