Gifted Education
Division Philosophy
West Point Public Schools is committed to the identification of gifted and talented students among all ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic groups. Gifted students are considered to be those whose talents and abilities differ from their peers to such a degree that differentiated educational opportunities must be provided to further affirm and develop their potential. Through a broad-based curriculum in grades K-12, the gifted program strives to address the unique needs, performance, strengths and learning styles of each identified student.
Referral Procedures
Students may be referred for the gifted program by a member of the school staff, an administrator, a parent, a peer, community members, or by the student him/herself. Students must be enrolled in WPPS for referrals to be considered. Referral forms are available on the West Point Public Schools website or by contacting the building gifted coordinator, the guidance counselor or the Division Gifted Coordinator. As part of the referral process, a listing of eligibility criteria will be provided with the referral form to ensure that all parties are aware of the kinds of data that WPPS review and the expectations for performance of eligible students.
Referrals are accepted on an on-going basis. The referral process, to include a final notification of eligibility into the WPPS gifted program, will occur within a 90 working day time frame once the referral has been received by the building level coordinator.
For more detailed information regarding the referral procedures and/or the eligibility process, please click on the WPPS Gifted Plan link above.
Areas of Service Definition
Specific Academic Aptitude: West Point Public Schools seeks to find those students who demonstrate remarkable strength, or the potential for remarkable strength in a single core, content area. The eligible student will demonstrate triangulated strength in a single content area (English or mathematics) through norm-referenced aptitude and /or achievement testing, substantiated through reports of similar strengths through teacher/parent observations and assessments, and strengths demonstrated through actual performance on a standardized portfolio in one or more single core area. Students scoring in the 9th stanine on norm reference assessment of aptitude may be considered for gifted candidacy and 8th stanine students may be considered for the gifted pool.
Visual and Performing (Music) Arts Aptitude: West Point Public Schools seeks to find those students who demonstrate or have the potential to demonstrate superior creative reasoning and imaginative expression; persistent artistic curiosity; and advanced acquisition and mastery of techniques, perspectives, concepts, and principles. Visual and performing arts ability is measured by a teacher, parent and/or a recognized outside professionally completed checklist and an adjudicative student portfolio.
Career and Technical Aptitude: West Point Public Schools seeks to find those students who demonstrate or have the potential to demonstrate superior reasoning; persistent technical curiosity; advanced use of technical language; exceptional problem solving; rapid acquisition and mastery of facts, concepts, and principals; and creative and imaginative expression beyond their age-level peers in career and technical fields.
Pointer Pathway
West Point High Schools’ Pointer Pathway Program
This program is an option for West Point High School students who wish for a challenging and rigorous high school experience. The students utilize the cooperative agreement between West Point High School and Rappahannock Community College to earn BOTH their high school diploma AND a transferable Associates Degree. With careful planning, a student may earn both degrees while still in high school or they may finish the Associates Degree with just a few semesters at the Community College.
Currently, Rappahannock Community College offers an Associate of Arts and Science Transfer Degree and several Associates of Arts and Science Transfer Degrees with a specialization. Each degree has a varying amount of coursework that will need to be completed at Rappahannock Community College and is denoted on the planning sheets. As the requirements for a degree earned through Rappahannock Community College can change, it is highly recommended to meet with both West Point High School’s School Counselor and the advisor at Rappahannock Community College to ensure that the requirements for a high school diploma and the Associate Degree are being met.
Division Gifted Coordinators
West Point Elementary School: Tracy Whitehurst Email Tracy
West Point Middle/High School: Jennifer Hart Email Jennifer