
Division Instructional Highlights

Graduation Rate


2023- 2024 Schools to Watch Distinction

West Point Middle School

Board Of Educational Excellence Award

West Point High School 

Department Of Education 3 Year Accreditation 

for ALL West Point Public Schools

Dual Enrollment Courses

43.9% of students are participating in Dual Enrollment Courses

Other Instructional Highlights

Expanded partnerships with RCC, Bridging Communities Regional Technical Center and local businesses

Instructional Initiatives

The West Point, Public school division, will focus on the following initiatives to ensure that all West Point students are provided high-quality, 21st-century learning experiences.

  • Engage in performance-based learning and assessments that offer students the opportunity to actively apply their skills and knowledge in real-world, relevant settings.

  • Utilize flexible grouping strategies to promote active student engagement and collaboration.

  • Leverage technology as an instructional tool to facilitate learning beyond the confines of the classroom and the textbook.

  • Teachers and administrators serve as lead learners, continually refining best practices.

  • Build a genuinely collaborative culture that supports shared leadership and problem-solving.

  • Integrate workplace readiness in all grade levels and content areas to ensure our graduates are future-ready.

School Board Advisory Committees

Advisory committees established by the West Point School Board are one way that community members connect with their local schools. Advisory committee members are approved by the School Board and work closely with division leadership to keep West Point Public Schools “Pointed in the Right Direction” towards Excellence, Relationships, and Innovation.

For more information about specific committees, please Click Here for additional information.

If interested in being considered as a committee member, please click here and list your name and email under the appropriate committee.