Career and Technical Education
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at West Point High School is designed to give students experience in multiple CTE clusters while building rigorous academic skills. The goal of the program is to prepare the student for the world of work and the many changes that are expected to take place as they move through the workplace challenges predicted for the future.
Students completing all requirements for high school graduation and meeting the requirements for career and technology education concentration or specialization may be considered career and technology education program completer.
West Point High School CTE Teachers are certified to teach students the skills necessary to earn industry certification in the following areas:
MOS (MS Office Systems)
Computer Fundamentals
Computer Electronics
Computer Technical Support
IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
Business And Information Technology Courses
Keyboarding and Personal Finance
Computer Solutions
Computer Information Systems (Dual Enrollment)
Advanced Computer Information Systems (Dual Enrollment)
Business Management (Dual Enrollment)
Teach for Tomorrow
Technology Education
Technology Foundations
Technical Drawing
Technology Transfer and Technology Assessment
Programming in C++ (Dual Enrollment)
Programming in C++, Second Year
Introduction to Engineering (Dual Enrollment)
Engineering Drawing
Research and Development Engineering
Personal Computer Hardware Troubleshooting (Dual Enrollment)
Electronics I - AC/DC Fundamentals I (Dual Enrollment)
Electronics II – AC/DC Fundamentals II (Dual Enrollment)
For some students, additional courses are available at Rappahannock Community College (RCC) and Bridging Communities Regional Technical Center. These courses include a career pathway in welding at RCC and courses including but not limited to Small Engine Technology, Diesel Technology, Criminal Justice, HVACR, Wed Design, and Nurse Aid at Bridging Communities.
Career And Technical Resources
CTE Advisory Committee
West Point Public Schools Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee will meet on the following dates:
November 8, 2023
January 10, 2024
March 13, 2024
At 8:00 AM in the West Point Middle/High School Conference Room